Mobile Home

Mobile Home Titles

To title and register a mobile / manufactured home in the applicant's name, please bring the following items to the Tax Collector’s office:

  • Prepare a packet containing the following: (Please note: special circumstances may require additional documentation.)
    • Proof of identity (required for all owners)
    • Manufacture’s Certificate of Origin for New Mobile Homes
    • Original Certificate of title for Used Mobile Homes
    • When applying for title, ALL owners are required to sign a completed Application for Certificate of Title With/Without Registration HSMV 82040.
    • A title is issued for each “side” of the mobile home – a single-wide home will have 1 title, a double-wide will have 2 titles, and a triple-wide will have 3 titles.

Sales tax must be paid unless the transaction is exempt. If purchased from a dealer, proof must be submitted indicating the dealer has already collected the sales tax.

Please note: if the mobile home was purchased from a Florida licensed dealer, the application for title and registration must be submitted/processed by the licensed dealer.

Mobile Home Duplicate Titles

  • The owner(s)* of record for a motor vehicle may apply for a duplicate title.
  • An Application for Duplicate or Lost in Transit/Reassignment for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel Title Certificate (HSMV 82101) must be completed in detail and can be submitted to the Tax Collector's office.
  • If there is an outstanding lien (i.e. finance company, lending institution, etc.), only the lien holder can apply for a duplicate title. If the lien has been satisfied, a lien satisfaction form must be presented.
  • If your title was issued in another state, you must apply for the duplicate title through the proper department / division of that state.
  • Fast Titles are a title that can be obtained while you are at the Tax Collector's office. The fee is an additional $10.00 for motor vehicles.

Mobile / Manufactured Home Registrations

Registrations are renewed annually and expire December 31st unless the mobile home is classified as Real Property by the Property Appraiser.

Florida law does not provide for mobile / manufactured home registration renewal notices, although the Tax Collector of Indian River County does mail out courtesy renewal notices. These courtesy renewal notices are mailed 4 weeks prior to the month in which the registration expires, from data compiled by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

In order to renew mobile / manufactured home registrations, you will need the following items:

  • Previous registration, registration renewal notice, or last mobile / manufactured home decal number.
  • Physical site address of the mobile / manufactured home.
  • If renewing in the Tax Collector’s office, in order to accept payments by check or credit card, identification is required by check presenter or card holder.
  • Renewals may be made at the Tax Collector’s office or online on this web site.

Registrations for initial, renewal, duplicate/replacement mobile / manufactured home can be obtained at the Tax Collector’s office.